Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Five Days

Oh Goodness.
God has been working in my life in such cool ways over the last day or too. Not only have i been getting really excited about my upcoming adventure, ive been having the cooooolest converations with those whom God loves so passionatley. Today I got a huge bucket thing in the mail from dave and morgan to bring to the house and to betty and little david. I cant wait to have them open up the gifts and kashi haha. Oh man.

So, i feel like i should share a few messages from some of my friends that have been encouraging me. i hope you all understand that im not sharing these words for my own glory, but for the glory of God, that you would see what He is doing in this place, in downriver and in my friends. remember how i told you guys about how ive been so encouraged by 1 Corinthians "nothing we do for the lord is in vain" well, im seeing what that really really means:

"Wow! Thas pretty ill what you are doing, especially at the age that you are. Most people your age are more concerned with going to college and getting wasted at Frat parties.Pretty lame right?So christianity is a big deal for you huh?You've been blessed/touched in a way that the light shines bright...My mother is a christian, she's all about it.But I'm not religious, though there is a shred of me that believes in "faith"."
-random guy in local band that messaged me on myspace.

Phillipians 2:14
14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16 as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.

this was such an intence message for me, i dont think this guy even knows that God was speaking and encouraging me through him. This guy says it himself, he isnt a christian, hes not really sure how he feels about God, but God totally uses him, and he doesnt even know it. What a powerful God we have. This almost brings me to tears, just reading it.

"And as weird as it sounds I feel like you've already made a large impact on my life. I feel like there's so much I can and should do. And will do."
- a dear new friend of mine.

This brings me so much hope, that God could use me to inspire people to do something. It blows me away in so many ways. All i told this person about was what God has been doing in my life, the whole conversation was about passion, and love, and God, and what Gods done in my life. His works in my life by themselves testify to His greatness and i feel so unworthy of this. Thank you God for my friends.

please continue to pray for me everyone. please continue for my heart to be made pure, like my tattoo says hah. pray for me to keep myself availible to be used by the beautiful spirit of God, that his heartbeat would become mine, and that what breaks his heart would break mine. Pray that he would continue to encourage me, through even the mouths of strangers and unbelivers, friends and family. pray that i would alow myself to see Jesus in a tangible way, because we so often write him off as untouchable, unseen and unheard, but oh how he reveals himself to us in so many real ways! I was just telling mikey tonight, he was like, why is like, fall outside today? I replied with a "God is giving me a fall night because he knows fall is my favorite season, and ill be missing it" its so true! I felt Jesus loving me in the coolness of the night and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees, and i felt Jesus in the fuzzys on my sweater, that i even had a sweater to keep cozy on this night that was such a blessing in itself. Thank you thank you thank you Jesus.
pray for me to stay foucused. Pray for my dear friend Tyler and his band, kiros, and thier ministry. pray for my friends jax and rissa and thier family, thier grandmother is passing away. Pray for my new friends, mikey and a few others, that GOd would continue to wisper his love to them. Please pray for my friends that dobt GOds love for them.

Jude 1:24
24To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.


Inkey Pingers said...

Hey sweetie, I love your blog! You are such a fabulous girl. I admire your passions and courage so much. I am praying for you and will continiue to pray as you are gone. Have a great time there!


Kirstin said...

thank you so much! you dont even understand the encouragement it is to know someone is reading this!