Monday, November 24, 2008

Market madness

So this morning was probably the most intense day of my life. Ok, just kidding, it wasn't but it's up there for sure. I woke (well, Amberly and I) woke up at around seven, ate some pb&j, took some tea, and headed to central market to buy the clothes that we plan on handing out in Danita on Saturday. (which I am unbelievably excited about!)
The market is crazy any day, but on Mondays, the trucks arrive with all the new clothes and shoes and things, donations from the states I'm guessing. Since this morning was one of those days, the market was a frenzy. People everywhere.
If you are worried about shopping this Friday, Ive got you beat, shopping malls are nothing like what I experienced today, its really survival of the swiftest, and most crafty of bargain shoppers.
I was getting so frustrated.
Here I was, this tiny little white girl in this sea of black women, who knew the ropes when it comes to grabbing and bartering, I was up against the pros.
So, I shouted to the lady running the mad house that I was willing to buy 100 articles of clothes.
Things got a little easier but not by much.
Luckily, Molly and Daisy (suubi ladies, check them out in the new boxes!) showed up right in time to make sure we weren't getting ripped off hah. Amber and I had to stay back while the two of them went for good deals, if vendors saw us with them the price would shoot up a few thousand.
We ended up spending three hours running around the market, buying a total of about 350 articles of clothes. (thank you so much to everyone that helped out with the cost! We totally met our goal!)
I also found the sweetest killer wale t-shirt for 1000 shillings (about 75 cents).
We had so much fun at the market that I asked Molly if I could come and visit her home in Walukaba after lunch.
I forgot to eat lunch and ended up just taking a shower.
I had no idea how to get to Mollys house, other than I knew that it was by Santa's in Walkukaba west to I just hopped on a piki and we went hah.
I am going to miss pikis.
They are the most convenient and useful mode of transportation.
Luckily, when we got to about the area I knew she lived,I could hear the two of them laughing and just followed their voices.
I was greeted with those HUGE African smiles and hugs and sat down in Molly's little home. She told me all about her childhood, how her father taught her how to tailor clothes and how she came to Jinja. (She was originally from Kitgum but her and her family fled during the "complications" )She has seven children, I think, and her husband left her last year. These ladies are so wonderful and crazy.
Daisy was telling me about how she used to live in Jinja, but someone just broke into her house and claimed it as their own and she had to leave. Dang.
So now she has to live in "this silly silly place" a ways away from Jinja and Danita.

It's so crazy to me that this has been my life for the last three months.
I leave in six days and I'm not sure if I'm ready to.

"We're as happy, happy, happy as a fish swim, swimming in the water"


Stacy said...

I can't believe you've been gone 3 months, really? Congratulations on meeting your goal, but most of all on blessing so many people there. Can't wait to see you....

luke acheson shirock said...

you are incredible. can't wait to see your killer whale shirt. i bet it's kiillller. eh eh?